A former classmate of mine, Nick Landman, asked me to design his PhD thesis cover. This was exciting as this was my first PhD thesis design comission! I asked Nick for some information on this PhD topic, his interests and preferred colour palette, and I got started in Blender.
As a PhD candidate at the Dutch Cancer Insitute, Nick's PhD topic was quite complex as it adressed the biological systems involved in asbestos induced lungcancer. I opted for a visual approach. I created a 3D render of two of the molecules that he researched: EZH2 and BAP1, and I combined this with a DNA structure with histones in the background.
I used the pdb structures for EZH2, BAP1 and the histones from rcsb.org (PDB codes 4MI0, 7VPW and 4AV2 respectively). The DNA was created with the Blender add-on "Molecular nodes" by Brady Johnston.
Except where otherwise noted this work is protected under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
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