I am Vera Williams, a young, hyperactive, ambitious scientific animator from the Netherlands. Following a BSc in Microbiology (2013-2017) I did the MSc Media Technology (2017-2020), both at Leiden University.

I make scientific animations. Ideally for a living. Finding funds for an unconventional career path is challenging. My passion lies in animating microbiological stories with real microbiological data such as microscopy images like cryo-electron tomograms. My goal? To translate complex, in-depth microbiological knowledge into something accessible and stimulating.

I love the challenge of transforming hard-core science into something tailored to a specific audience. It’s a multifaceted problem: understanding the science and the frame of reference of my target audiences, while maintaining scientific accuracy. Creating microbiological animations sparks a passion in me like nothing before. I will never not want to make microbiological animations. It’s too cool and combines things that excite me: kick-ass science, 3D stuff and effective communication.
Thank you!
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