November 4 2024 was my first day at my new job at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. This wasn't just a significant happening for me but for my research group from Leiden as well: we moved to Paris as a research group! At Pasteur, we formed the "Integrative and Structural Cell Biology" unit.
One of my first tasks was to design a poster that introduces the spectrum of the work that is done within the unit while simultaneously introducing us to the rest of the institute. The poster highlights our current topics of study; from uncovering the molecular structures of phages, to the intricacies of the chemoreceptor arrays of the microbes that interact with the light organ in squid.
The ISCB group covers a wide range of topics, and develop cutting edge methods to uncover them. I am excited to see what this amazing team will uncover over the coming years.
A couple of close-ups

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